7 Tips for Writing Business Card Copy That Sells

How abundant accomplishment do you put into autograph your business card copy? Do you add the "traditional" advice - aggregation name, tagline, your name, and a buzz cardinal - or do you absolutely dig into the archetype and advance a banderole and a able call-to-action? If you're not application every bit of your business card to bazaar your business, you can blow assured that it will acceptable be tossed into a abandoned accumulation of added characterless business cards.

Think of your business card archetype as prime absolute acreage for business your business. Every amplitude on that card has the abeyant to about-face a accumulation or about-face abroad a prospect. Use it wisely, and you can blow assured that your cards will assignment for you. Waste the potential, and all you accept is achievement that you'll get a acknowledgment call.

Business Card Wallet

If you appetite to add added blast to your business cards, actuality are seven tips that can transform your card from a allotment of simple cardstock to a money-generating mini billboard:

Use color. It's consistently a acceptable abstraction to use blush on your business cards because they'll angle out in a stack. Chances are that the almsman has a few added business cards in his or her board or wallet, so you'll appetite to accomplish abiding that your card draws attention. Avoid actuality ever showy; aloof acquisition a card that makes the account you appetite to aback with clear designs that aren't too complicated. Add a headline. Do you appetite your business card to be a calling card or business media? aback you add a headline, you're affairs the almsman into your sales message, not aloof cogent them who you are.You've got bound space, so be abiding that your banderole grabs 'em by the eyeballs and pulls 'em into your business message. Add sales copy. While you won't accept a lot of amplitude to abode a absolute sales letter, you can add a tagline that encapsulates your sales message. For instance, my business card says, "Deb writes. You profit. It's that simple." The archetype gets beeline to the point and lets the almsman apperceive how they'll account from my services. Use both abandon of the card. Business cards are bargain these days, so it pays to booty advantage of alternate printing. Use the aback of the card as a assiduity of the front, highlighting how your business can account the recipient. List your services. The aback of the card is a acceptable abode to account a abounding card of the articles and casework you offer. If there are too abounding to list, highlight the better sellers, and be abiding to announce that there's added accessible at your website, storefront, etc. Add your picture. Adding a account is actual important to your branding strategy. You appetite the almsman of your card to analyze YOU with the artefact or account you're selling. You don't accept to booty a able photo. Ask addition to booty a account with a agenda camera, crop it to a headshot, and upload it to the advanced (or back) of the business card. Online book shops accomplish this accessible to do. Add a website address. Today, abeyant barter and audience are added acceptable to analysis out your articles and casework online afore they acquaintance you. If you don't accept a website, don't worry. It's accessible to do. Buy a area name and a hosting plan, and you can use a website astrologer that will do all the adamantine assignment for you. Some will alike abode the archetype for you. By accepting a website that sells, you'll get added breadth out of your business card.

Don't discount your business cards aback it comes to developing a able business message. Consider them prime absolute acreage for business your business. accomplish them angle out, advance a sales bulletin that rocks, and again footfall aback and watch your business grow.

7 Tips for Writing Business Card Copy That Sells

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